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首页 > 供应产品 > 供应永麦YMX-32CYMX-32C 旋转炉
供应永麦YMX-32CYMX-32C 旋转炉
单价 面议对比
询价 暂无
浏览 368
发货 广东广州市
过期 长期有效
更新 2023-12-01 23:04
详细信息IP属地 广东
操作方便、节省人力、一人操作、整台车进出、快捷方便; ●烘烤范围广泛,适用于烤制各类面包月饼、土司、法棒、饼干、点心等; ●烘烤量大,一次可烤16盘、32盘; ●烘烤效果好,烤出色泽均匀一致; ●节省燃料费、采用日本原装进口OLYMPLA燃烧机、耗油少、废气排放低; ●完全性高、电路均采用内状密闭式,采用IC微电脑控制、完全保护好、设有安全警笛及防爆系统; ●坚固耐用、故障率低、采用进口不锈钢材及西德日本进口电子元件。  Performance Profile Rotary Oven 1.16/32 trays 2.Electrical, Diesel, Gas. Can both use electric and gas or electric and diesel(That´s Dual-use Rotary Oven) 3.Good quality, competitive price 4.Burner: imported from Japan Characteristics: 1. Apply to bake all kinds of bread, cake, cookie, biscuit and pasties 2. Good performance of heat preservation, uniformity of oven temperature, consistent baking color and large production 3. Matched with stable performance heating system 4. Easy to operation and complete protection functions 5. Saving fuel cost. Olympia burner imported from Japan with low oil consumption and low exhaust emission; 6. Transmission power is 0.37Kw, the power of the fan is 2.2kw, the power of burner is 0.55kw, the capacity is one trolly in 15-30 minutes(different bread different time), the size of the trolly is 810*670*1750mm, and there is 8/16 layers, each layer can be put two trays. the size of the tray is 40*60cm or 46*72cm; 7.  The inside and outside of the oven is stainless steel . the burner is Olympia from Japan. the temperature reach 400 centi degree. the diesel consumption is about 3.2L/hour for diesel type. the electric consumption is 36 for electric type. the gas type need 3.5L per hour; 8. One oven including two trolly for free. Main technical parameter: Product Model Capacity Dimension(mm) Voltage(V) Power(kw) Energy Consumption Rotary Covection Oven  (Electric) YMX-32D 32 Trays 2720×1600×2460 380V 55 electricity: 36 degree/h Rotary Covection Oven  (Gas) YMX-32Q 2720×1600×2460 380V 3.5 gas: 3.5L/h Rotary Covection Oven  (Diesel) YMX-32C 2720×1600×2460 380V 3.5 diesel: 3.8L/h