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  • 联系人:Rita
  • 电话:86-020-34554866
  • 手机:13922390737
首页 > 供应产品 > 供应永麦YMS-240隧道炉
单价 面议对比
询价 暂无
浏览 654
发货 广东广州市
过期 长期有效
更新 2023-12-01 23:04
详细信息IP属地 广东
隧道炉  ●连续性烘烤、烤量大、操作方便、节省人力; ●烘烤范围广泛,有上火、下火分别控制,可烘烤不同食品,如月饼、面包、蛋糕、汉堡、土司、点心、饼干等; ●烘烤效果好,采用日本进口电热丝,从头至尾色泽均匀一致; ●安全性高,电路均采用进口电器元件,耐用安全; ●采用进口保温岩棉,厚度足、保温效果好; ●外表全进口不锈钢,美观大方; ●宽度和长度根据客人要求订制。 ●有电力型、燃气型  1.Baking range: Bread ,cake ,moon cake ,dessert,biscuit,toast,French bread and so on .  2.Gas and Electric type abaliable,the length and width according to the requirement of the customer. 3.It´s good for continuous baking ,large baking capacity , easy operation and labor saving .It can be matched with production line. 4.Separate control with upper, lower fire, according to different baking time the speed of conveyor chain can be continuous adjusted.  5.Provide the PLC wisdom control system , implements the entire intellectualized control, and can be saved 150 groups of Data, trully realizes the automation .   MODE  TYPE DIMENSION SIZE BAKING DICS SIZE VOL. POW. YMS-1619D Electric 19000x1980x1600 400x600 380v 13.5kw/m YMS-1619Q Gas 19000x1680x1600 400x600 380V 3-5kw/m